Friday, August 15, 2008

Attention Riders: Mind the pee

It just occurred to me that I've seen way too many people peeing in front of me in subway stations in recent weeks. And both times they have been at West 4th Street! You know, I always used to wonder why that station smelled so badly. Now I know why! Don't get me wrong - I love the West Village: Washington Square Park, Marie's Crisis (where else can you go to a gay piano bar that only plays showtunes?), The Red Lion (live music every night!), Mahmoud's, Comedy Cellar, transvestites, and drunk NYU freshmen puking on MacDougal Street as they stumble out of Off the Wagon.
My ex-boyfriend lived on MacDougal Street, just a block away from the West 4th Stop, so that station was pretty much a daily destination. But everytime I got off the F train, this putrid stench would overwhelm me. There's certain stations that just always smell bad : (23rd Street f station is another one.) And anyone who has lived in NYC for any length of time knows you want to avoid the elevator in a subway station, if at all possible. I'm not sure if homeless people sleep in them, or this is just the place that everyone goes to puke or pee.

Pee Incident #1
Where: West 4th Street f platform
When: Early August, Saturday afternoon, around 2pm
What: Man in his Mid-Twenties, in the middle of the platform, peeing against a cement post. He doesn't even bother to walk to the end of the track and pee into the track. Nope, instead he pees right in the middle of the platform, so his pee can flow and exist on the same cement that innocent f train riders are walking across. WTF? Who does that? He didn't seem to be crazy or drunk. Just a normal looking guy.

Pee Incident #2
Where: West f street station - right in the middle before you descend the stairs to get to the track
When: Last night - August 14th about 12:30am
What: Woman in late 20's- early thirties in full squat mode with maximum water pressure. Seriously, she couldn't have gone to the street level and found a bush? Washington Square Park is two blocks away. Just go to an alleyway somewhere, but right in the middle of a brightly lit busy train station?

Pee Incident #3 (Ok, so this in no way compares to the above two incident, but it's just sort of ironic that this occured the day after the squatter incident.)
Where: Last row of the B63 bus in Brooklyn
When: Today, around 3:00pm
What: I'm sitting in the back of the bus, realize that I smell pee (again!). The little boy next to me even says to his mom - something smells mommy. I look over to the family sitting across from me. Mother with three kids - daughter, 7; son, 3; daughter standing up on the seat with a blanket wrapped around the lower half of her body that looks about 18 months. That's right - mom is changing her daughter's diaper in the back of the bus (while the kid is standing up). I'm not a parent, and I kind of admire this woman's multi-tasking. She was pretty descreet, if it weren't for the overwhelming smell of urine at the bus, I would have had no idea that she was changing this kid's diaper. It probably would have been a huge hassle for mom to get off the bus, lug her three kids off the bus, and to change the diaper. At least she had the decency to wrap the blanket around the kid.

I think I'd rather have the stinky diaper change than hear someone clipping his nails on the bus (that happens much more often.)

Please New Yorkers, I beg of you - STOP PEEING IN WEST 4th STREET STATION!

That is all.

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